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Tugrul Giray presentation to the Puerto Rico Senate at the Expo Entre Miel y Abejas (Expo Between Honey and Bees)


Tugrul Giray gave a presentation regarding the research conducted in his laboratory on the Puerto Rican honey bee and its beneficial effects for agriculture in Puerto Rico. Moreover, that the gentle Puerto Rican bee is a unique natural resource of the island that is free of the majority of viruses that effect honey bees on the US mainland and that it needs protection from the importation of honey bees from the US and elsewhere.


The Puerto Rico Senate presented an award to Tugrul Giray in recognition of his research into the physiology and genetics of the Puerto Rican honey bee.


Tugrul Giray receiving the Honorable Mention award from Hon. Nelson V. Cruz Santiago, Senator from the district of Ponce

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Tugrul Giray speaks at the World Central Kitchen Plow to Plate Symposium


World Central Kitchen continues its efforts to assist Puerto Rico after hurricane María. They sponsored a symposium at the Fundación Muñoz Marín, which focused on ways to improve the agricultural sector in Puerto Rico. Tugrul Giray presented information as to the uniqueness and importance of the gentle bee of Puerto Rico to the agricultural industry of the island.

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Puerto Rico May Hold the Answer to Saving the Bees



Puerto Rico's gentle honeybees may help solve the alarming colony collapse disorder facing bees worldwide. Strengthening Puerto Rico's beekeeping industry will also improve the agricultural sector of Puerto Rico.  

To download full article (Pdf) click image, or read it online at link


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Presentation on the gentle Africanized Honey Bees of Puerto Rico (gAHB) after Hurricane Maria, on the 18th Annual NAPPC Conference



Dr. Tugrul Giray attended the NAPPC conference (North American Pollinator Protection Campaign), hosted by the US Department of Agriculture in Washington, DC, presenting aspects of the gAHB after Hurricane Maria.


Dr. Giray and Dr. Rosanna Giordano have been awarded an Honorable Mention of Pollinator Advocate by Pollinator Partnership/NAPPC, for their efforts rescuing honeybees of the Carribbean Islands after Hurricane Maria.



More info at NAPPC Conference. Click image




Below (clockwise), Dr. Giray giving his talk on gAHB after Hurricane Maria;  Tom van Arsdall (Public Affairs Director of Pollinator Partnership) & Dr. Tugrul Giray; Honorable Mention of Pollinator Advocate awarded to Dr. Giray & Dr. Giordano. 


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Talk: The Bees: Their Economic Potential and Food Security 


        Las Abejas: Su Potencial Económico y la Seguridad Alimentaria


        Please join!




Talk by Dr. Tugrul Giray, Lcdo. Rafael J. Solá Diaz, and a representative from the Apiculture Association of Borikén


The Bees: Their Economical Potential and Food Security

(Las Abejas: Su potencial Económico y la Seguridad Alimentária)



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Gurabo Experimental Station and Bee Lab (Estación Experimental Agrícola de Gurabo) at risk




The Gurabo Experimental Station and Bee Lab (click here), unique in the Caribbean Islands, and second in the USA, is in danger due to to lack of administrative support and funding.


Insights from Tilden Aponte (Technician at the Exp. Station), and Dr. Tugrul Giray (Director of the Dept. of Biology, Univ. Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras), as to the critical importance of these facilities to recover unique bee populations after the impacts of the 2017 hurricanes, and to implement a sustainable agriculture model with an unique honeybee in the world.

The University of Puerto Rico does not have at this time a specific strategy to assist the Experimental Station according to Dr. Rafael Rios D'Avila (Dean of the Faculty of Natural Resources, at the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras).


Listen to interviews to Tilden Aponte, Dr. Tugrul Giray and Dr. Rafael Rios D'Avila (In Spanish)


Gurabo Station and Bee Lan at risk - by Hoy en las Noticias
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Members of the Bee laboratory of Tugrul Giray preparing bee hive kits to be delivered to apicultors of the Caribbean islands, as part of the Bee Rescue Campaign.



Jan Pierre Aleman, Isada Cordero, Stephanie Feliciano Cardona, Aixa Ramírez y Tilden Aponte cooperating in the ongoing efforts to restore bee populations in the Caribbean island.

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Warehouse for storage of beehive kits prior to shippment to Dominica, as part of the ongoing campaign to restore pollinator populations in the Caribbean islands after Hurricane Maria.


Wilfredo, from Tropical Shipping ( coordinating operations at warehouse.

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Report on the recovery of pollinators in Puerto Rico after hurricane Maria, by Val Dolcini, CEO Pollinator Partnership & others


Click image to read and/or download complete PDF of the report.

La colonia perdida (The lost colony) - Talk at Radioambulante web radio station with Tugrul Giray and Aixa Ramirez 


Talk at Radioambulante Web Radio Station with Tugrul Giray and Aixa Ramirez, reporting on the current status of the Bee Rescue efforts at Puerto Rico as well as the dissemination of Africanized honeybees in the Americas, particularly Puerto Rico.

Click image to read English transcript of the talk




Listen to talk - Tugrul Giray & Aixa Ramirez - RadioAmbulante
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Planting honeybee attractive plants at Gurabo Experimental Station. 


Storage and distribution of bee hive kits to certified apicultors. 


Bee hive kits provided by the Pollinator Partnership Caribbean Bee Rescue Campaign are being stored at the Dept. of Agriculture warehouse in Naranjinto.

Individual kits are then prepared manually by volunteers and delivered to certified apicultors (3 hives/apicultor), of Puerto Rico and Dominica.

Queen bee rearing workshop. Certificates being distributed among participants.


Certificates being delivered by Tugrul Giray (director Dept. Biology at Univ. Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras) and Ramon Couto (Administrator of the Estacional Experimental Agricola Gurabo), to trainees of the Bee Rearing workshop, which took place from the 26 March to April 6 at the Gurabo Experimenal Station

Message from Tom Van Arsdall. Highlights on accomplishments. Looking ahead.


Girl Scouts, Tropa 66, PR constructing beehives for beekeepers.




Val Dolcini, CEO of Pollinator Partnership visits the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico to assess major accomplishments and needs for beekeepers and honeybees.



Val Dolcini, CEO of Pollinator Partnership, which is leading the campaign to provide emergency assistance to the beekeepers of the Caribbean, visited the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico to meet with beekeepers and the Dept. of Agriculture of PR for in situ assessment of major accomplishments and needs for beekeepers and bees in the islands. Val Dolcini also met with industry groups and companies which could help financially with the relief efforts.


Below, Errol Chichester (Deputy Commissioner at US Virgin Islands Dept. of Agriculture) and Toni Downs with Val Dolcini at St. Croix.


























Val Dolcini delivers beehive recovery kits to local PR beekeeper, Señor Solá, at Trujillo Alto, PR, and meets with students and faculty at the Univ. of Puerto Rico after his talk at the Institute of Neurobiology. The PRCEN hosted the talk on challenges pollinators face and how we can help. See below.

Components for approx. 500 hives have been arriving to Puerto Rico and were repacked at the Dept. of Agriculture in Naranjito for broad distribution across the island



Puerto Rico Dept. of Ag. warehouse at Naranjito where beehive boxes were sorted and repackaged to be sent across distribution points of the Dept. of Agriculture in Puerto Rico.

Mr. Jafet Padua was the team leader. See Cesar Ramirez and Jafet Padua in the second row of pictures and in the third row of pics mating nuc (box) for queen bees. 


The queen raising equipment and 100 hives were part of a grant from USDA APHIS PPQ to Dr. Tugrul Giray and Dr. Jay Evans.


Donations were coordinated by the Pollinator Partnership.


The population of bees did not resist the impact of Hurricane María in Puerto Rico



Aproximately 80%-90% of the bee population of Puerto Rico did not resit the impact of Hurricane María. This is a severe impact to the apiculture industry and a significant delay in the agriculture production due to the drastic decrease of pollinators.


See Video of beekeepers trying to save honeybees, and the full report in the newspaper El Nuevo Dia (in spanish). CLick image to hyperlink.


This channel is coming soon!

Queen rearing workshop by the University of Puerto Rico, Biology Dept., Rio Piedras and the Puerto Rico dept. of Agriculture



See pictures below


Letter of support and news article on Nashua Telegraph



News articles on BEES and Nashua Telegraph for the Bee Rescue Campaign for Puerto Rico. Letter of support by Loretta Jackson and Nashua Telegraph full article featuring Toni Dawns and Errol Chichester, Deputy Commissioner of Agriculture for St. Croix, on the island of St. Croix.

Click picture to read article at higher resolution

How Honey Bees Survive The Winter, by Mehmet Ali Döke



Better understanding honey bee overwintering is valuable because it is a fascinating adaptation for an insect species and improving the winter survival can boost the sustainability of beekeeping operations to which we owe a significant portion of our food.


Click picture to read article and/or listen to podcast below.

How Honey Bees Survie Winter - by Mehmet Ali Doke
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Miguel Carbonell brings more bee protein and sugar to more beekeepers in PR



From left: Manuel Cedeno (he used to have 23 hives and now is down to 12); Harvey Olivo, who now has 11 hives.

Caribbean Pollinator Rescue T-Shirt/Totes to Support Campaign  (Click here)


Click Here to view Campaign History.  Artwork below is printed on an attractive variety of T-shirts, plus a Tote. Deadline to Order December 18!


Purchase a selection for yourself, family and friends, and support the Bee Cause!  Wear/use these products in celebration of collaboration.


Net proceeds will be donated to the collaborative Campaign, managed by the Pollinator Partnership,  to help beekeepers on Puerto Rico, the United States Virgin Islands and Dominica.


Generous support by multiple partners and many individuals is already making a difference.  Supplemental protein is already reaching beekeepers on the islands, and efforts are underway to deliver desperately-needed hive boxes.


Thank you for your support!

Newsweek report on the impact of bee losses in the Caribbe for the world



Click image to read report

Pallet to Dominica with bee protein and sugar



Pallet to be put on a vessel to Dominica today. Pallet includes 1000 lbs of bee protein food and 600 lbs of sugar for distribution to the beekeepers

Planned aerial spraying of permethrin in Puerto Rico



Since news of the planned aerial spraying of permethrin broke in the Puerto Rico media (see images with links below), many responded to our call for help aiming to stop the spraying.  Spraying permethrin would be lethal for the already weakened bee population of Puerto Rico and do little to nothing against the targeted mosquitoes species that vector the Zika virus which have been shown to be resistant.


Miguel Carbonell (beekeeper), Rafael Sola (beekeeper and attorney) and Dr. Tugrul Giray, met the Puerto Rico Undersecretary of Health, Concepcion Quiñones de Longo, and the Assistant Secretary of Environmental Health, Mayra Toro, to address the issue of the aerial spraying. The beekeepers and Dr. Giray were informed that plans for the aerial spray had been proposed by the US military and the Center for Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta, GA and that following current health policies the Puerto Rico Department of Health had declined the permethrin spray plan.  Ms. Quiñones de Longo, the assistant Secretary, gave her permission to the beekeepers that she could be publicly quoted as having made that statement.


The beekeepers and Dr. Giray gave a letter, signed by 22 United States National Academy scientists who oppose the spraying of permethrin in Puerto Rico and the reasons for doing so (See document below), to the Department of Health representatives.  In addition the beekeepers gave a recent article published in Nature Communications from the laboratories of Dr. Giray and colleagues at the University of Illinois detailing the importance and uniqueness of the gentle Africanized Honey Bee (gAHB) of Puerto Rico (Arian Avalos et al. 2017, (Click Here), as well as an article in Bee Culture magazine, outlining the importance of the bees of Puerto Rico (Click Here).


The beekeepers and Dr. Giray learned that as part of a coordinated plan to control mosquito vectors in Puerto Rico, and as a last resort fumigation was being used and only in urban areas.  The first measures of vector control would be used in areas with positive cases of disease. The Department of Health officials stated that the spraying of permethrin would only be considered for areas where intervention with biological larvicide application (removal of breeding sites) would prove to be difficult.


When the beekeepers and Dr. Giray asked why a chemical that has been shown not to be effective against the targeted mosquitoes and toxic to honey bees, amphibians and other life forms was being considered for spraying, they were told by the Dept. of Health representatives that there was political pressure from municipal governors to carry out the spraying and that permethrin was less harmful than deltamethrin.


The Health Department, with the support of the beekeepers and Dr. Giray, developed a plan with 2 parts:

1. To provide locations of beekeepers and apiaries in Puerto Rico to the Health Department so that they may protect these locations in the case terrestrial spraying in municipalities is carried out. 

2. The beekeepers and Dr. Giray also agreed to attend a meeting with Municipal governors to present information and explain the evidence in support of not spraying permethrin in Puerto Rico.   


As of today the aerial spray has been suspended.  However, there remains a plan in place to spray in specific municipalities. The beekeepers and Dr. Giray intend to mount an education campaign, to be coordinated with the Health Department, targeting Municipal governors with the aim to suspend this second spraying plan. 



Permethrin aerial spraying in PR on the News. Click on the image to read article:

Noticel, Nov. 8th 2017  

PR Informa, Nov. 9th 2017  

Metro, Oct. 11th 2017  

Letter  by 22 United States National Academy scientists opposing the spraying of permethrin in Puerto Rico

(Click picture to read document)

Last protein delivery to Puerto Rico



Last protein delivery to PR (left) and pallet with sugar and protein that was put together to send to Dominica (right).


Below: Stephanie Feliciano, Miguel Carbonell, Tilden Aponte and Aixa Ramirez making individual packets of sugar+protein for distribution to the beekeepers

Shipment of protein arriving for the bee rescue in the Caribbean



 The protein was generously donated by Danant, Illinois ( and MannLake, Minnesota  (


The protein was picked up and stored in the cold room at the Puerto Rico Dept. of Agriculture and subsequently repacked and prepare a pallet with 1,000 lbs of sugar and 600lbs of protein to be sent to Dominica. Another subset will be shipped to the British Virgin Islands.  The rest will be distributed to beekeepers in PR.


Photos (above):  Pallets being moved and being placed in storage at the Dept. of Ag.

Photo (below): Miguel Carbonell bringing protein and honey to Ismael Diaz who has 12 hives.

                      Miguel Carbonell bringing pollen and sugar to Margarita Claudio and Olivera Dias that have an apiary with 20 hives.

Puerto Rico bees on the news



Click picture(s) to read news.


Updates from Tugrul Giray



Things are slow.  However, in comparison to the month after the hurricane in all fronts things are much better. Many bees were gone, and remaining bees were dying (no queen, etc) or starving, absconding, etc.  I have 15 colonies that I saved by feeding. Now it is a completely different story.  Typically at this time we do not have drones in colonies, now there is new drone brood, and some colonies are even making queen cups even a cell or two.  Many trees, vines, and shrubs are in bloom (as if they were reset by shedding all leaves and branches).  So the emergency feeding kept bees alive, and now there is a boom.  


I am glad how well the aid to beekeepers is working even without the funds from congress, just with private donations, help from P2, and logistics provided by the local Department of Agriculture.  Now is the crucial time to push for increasing the bee populations, and rescue/reclaim feral bees, and even try some out-of-season queen rearing (do not know if it will work but seems like it should). 


Adopt a pallet with components for 50 Hives, to help beekeepers on Puerto Rico and the USVI



CAMPAIGN GOAL: 1,000 Langstroth hives to help replace hives destroyed by hurricanes.


DONATION: $1,500 ‘Adopts’ a Pallet containing components for 50 Hives.

Your generous contribution will leverage other Campaign funds to pay full costs.


WHEN: ASAP! Pallets are being assembled, ready for adoption.

Contact for instructions if you want to adopt a pallet. An invoice is available on request. A receipt for your tax-deductible contribution will be sent to you. We hope to be able to include ‘ownership’ with each pallet adopted, inviting donors to include a card, personal notes to the beekeepers on the islands, photos. 

Questions? Contact Tom Van Arsdall, P2 Director of Public Affairs, at or 703-509-4746.


Thank you!


BBC Our world - Rebuilding Puerto Rico



Click here to see this 20 min Documentary 


Muralist aims to paint 50 thousand bees across the world

Pintar 50 mil abejas alrededor del mundo es el objetivo de un muralista estadounidense




For the Spanish speakers in the crowd, here’s a Voz de America spot that will air today featuring the muralist the Pollinator Initiative has been working with in Washington, DC.


The story will air on the daily news show “El Mundo Al Día”

This channel is coming soon!

Toni Downs updates




"Bees are bringing in pollen now and I saw a drone today! With difficulty I get to the yard, today was my 3rd trip since Maria. More trees have fallen with all the rain-roots just can't hold on. 

The rain has caused another problem, you may note. New growth is overwhelming everything. So now it's a real battle to move around and get things in shape. This goes for everyone that is still cleaning their storm debris and it is a surprising many still."

Protein patties distribution continues




Errol Chichester (Deputy Commissioner at US Virgin Islands Dept. of Agriculture) and Toni Downs with a box of patties for his bees as well as for further distribution to others.

Toni Downs updates




“Thanks for your encouragement. Unfortunately, tourists are cancelling reservations for 2017- 2018 season and our infrastructure is still a mess. Although I see progress every day.
Someone interviewed me Wednesday and asked what would I say to the outside world: "Don't forget us" was my response.  We are in a struggle for months, and some of us for years. We are small, don't have much in terms of economic or political power and we are frequently forgottenas U.S. citizens. 
This project does give me something positive to focus on and makes me feel useful to others in need. Because the bulk of it is in storage at the supermarket I have been carrying some patties in my vehicle, just in case. Tonight while out to watch the full moon rise, I ran into Stephen Charles, who lost about 100 hives. He's happy to receive pollen patties and start making splits. He is the one, when I asked about remaining hive bodies that said, "Toni, I found a strap. In a tree. No wood." He, like many I have spoken to, cannot drive into his yard and has to walk in from afar. Some folks just flat haven't made it to their hives-- personal lives and problems take precedent and clearing trees to get into the beeyard is last. I am able to drive in, but the yard itself is full of trees that will have to be chainsawed and taken out. (While suited up-it's so much fun!)”

The working team at Brushy Mountain Bee Farm




The working team at Brushy Mountain Bee Farm


Brushy Mountain Bee Farm (610 Bethany Church Rd, Moravian Falls, NC 28654) is supplying 100 hive boxes for the PR beekeepers relief effort                                                                
Pallet two of the hive boxes with heart and message from the team.

Bee Protein received at the US Virgin Islands




Bee protein received by HoneyMan of the USVI.
Plaza West donated refrigerated space to store the remaining bee protein.

Protein to St. Thomas Beekeepers today




Toni Downs and Commissioner of Agriculture for the USVI Carlos Robles, who will take supplies of sugar and bee protein to St. Thomas beekeepers today.

Repackaging Bee Protein Patties




Photo1. Bulk bee protein patties in original box.
Photo2. Label of bee protein patties source, Ultra Bee.
Photo3. Roving bee that landed on protein patties.
Photo4. From left Aixa Ramirez (white shirt), Maria Aponte (black and white shirt),
Ivettte Vila (Red, white and black shirt) packaging patties.
Photo5. Ivette Vila packaging patties.
Photo6. Ivette Vila packaging patties and Cesar Ramirez on truck.
Photo7. Labels with UPR Biology and Pollinator Partnership for repackaged protein patties.
Photo8. From left Aixa Ramirez (white shirt), Maria Aponte (black and white shirt), Ivettte Vila (Red, white and black shirt), packaging patties.
Photo9. Packages of protein patties with labels.
Photo10. Stacked packages of protein patties with labels.
Photo11. Nadja Vidal in grey shirt and Ivette Vila packaging patties.

Maria Aponte, Ivettte Vila, Nadja Vidal all work with the Puerto Rico Dept. of Agriculture and they have given their permission for us to use these photos for public relations purposes for the rescue effort for Puerto Rico.

Arrival of Bee Protein and Sugar on St. Croix, USVI




Delivery of 1000lbs of bee protein and 650lbs of sugar. Bee protein was donated by Danant, Hamilton, IL & Sugar was donated by Able Sales Company, Inc., San Juan, PR
Photos clockwise:


Toni Downs in red shirt on truck with sugar and bee protein packages. Toni Downs owns Queen CariBEE on St. Croix, USVI. She has announced to the farmers that attended the Agricultural meeting today that the protein and sugar for the bees was available.

Pallet with sugar and bee protein being loaded onto truck, fellow in yellow shirt is an employee of Norma H Barge.

Lady picking up bee protein from Toni Downs.

Beginning distribution of bee protein




From left to right: Rafael Solá, beekeeper from Trujillo Alto, PR
                          Miguel Carbonell and Ernesto Gonzalez, (EG is a beekeepers from San Lorenzo, PR
                          Miguel Carbonell, beekeeper from Carolina, PR

PR Dept. of Ag. picking up 1,000lbs bee protein






Cesar Ramirez from the PR Dept. of Ag. picking up 1000lbs of bee protein donated by  MannLake 


Pallet was shipped on the last Humane Society relief flight to PR. Original donated pallet was split and only 1000lbs was placed on the flight, the remainder will proceed to the island by barge.

Pallet arrived on 10_29_17 and was stored at the Signatures Flight Support, Hangar 4, Isla Grande Airport, San Juan until it was picked up by Cesar Ramirez.

Photo clockwise:  Cesar Ramirez with pallet on truck; Pallet on truck.

1,000lbs bee protein & 650lbs sugar to St. Croix





We sent 1,000lbs of bee protein and 650lbs of sugar to St. Croix.  The sugar was donated by a local company, Able Sales Company, Inc. (at 


The contact person there is Toni Downs, she is at Queen CariBEE (at She will assist distributing the material to the other folks on the United States Virgin Island.


We now have received another pallett of bee protein that is sitting awaiting to be picked up, at the San Juan Airport.


Work being done at the Bee Lab to feed bees, Gurabo Ag. Station, Puerto Rico




Faculty and students preparing the sugar solution for the bees. There is no electricity. They are building a fire to melt the sugar. 


Photos, clockwise:

Tilden Aponte,  in bee suit working with hives.

Jose Agosto, building fire to melt sugar

Jose Agosto, melting sugar for bees.

Making sugar solution for bees. In brown shirt, Stephanie Feliciano, in blue shirt, Yarira Ortiz,  on truck in blue shirt Jean Pierre Aleman,  in green shirt standing in front of truck Carlos Ortiz.


Dr. Jose Agosto is a faculty member of the Dept. Of Biology, University of Puerto Rico.

Mr. Tilden Aponte is a Bee Rescuer

Ms. Yarira Ortiz, Ms. Stephanie Feliciano, Mr. Carlos Ortiz are graduate students in the Dept. of Biology at the University of Puerto Rico.

Mr. Jean Pierre Aleman, is an undergraduate student in the Dept. of Biology at the University of Puerto Rico. 

Interview about bee collapse & Bee relief efforts at TeleNoticias



Interviewees Hermes Condo (Bee Rescuer) and Tugrul Giray (in suit) speaking about current situation with bee collapse & Bee Relief efforts.


Other participants as follows (clockwise 2nd pic):


1. Cesar Ramirez, Agronomist. Bee Industry PR Dept. of Ag

2. Hermes Condo (Bee Rescuer)

3. Rafael Sola (Beekeeper)

4. Miguel Carbonel (Beekeeper)

5. Tugrul Giray (Chair, Dept. Biology at Univ. Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras)

Moving Bee protein Pallet to cold storage




Clockwise pics:

Aixa Ramirez, Grad Student, UPR, helping to load bee protein packages onto truck.


Cesar Ramirez, PR Dept. of Ag. on refrigerated truck used to transport bee protein to storage.


PR Dept. of Ag truck used to transport bee protein patties to storage

Pallet of protein food donated by Danant, IL & shipped on a humanitarian flight sponsored by syngenta




Pallet of protein food donated by Dadant, Hamilton, Illinois for the beekeepers of Puerto Rico.


Pallet had 36 packages of 40lbs each of bee protein patties was shipped on a humanitarian flight sponsored by Syngenta.


Flight departed from ATD MIA at 1701 local time to arrive in ETA BQN 1858 Local time.


Arrived in PR Aguadilla Airport on 10.24.17 at 6:58 PM.


Beekeepers Mtg. at Gurabo Ag. Station, Puerto Rico




Emergency Assistance For Puerto Rico Beekeepers Meeting


Pictures clockwise:

Tugrul Giray (microphone) with Puerto Rico Department of Agriculture Secretary Dr. Carlos Flores.

Agronomist Cesar Ramirez addressing the beekeepers.

Tugrul Giray speaking at the meeting.

Tugrul Giray Lab

University of Puerto Rico
Río Piedras Campus
Department of Biology

P.O. Box 23360

San Juan, Puerto Rico 00931-3360

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